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Top-10 Public Speaking Tips

Never let the audience be bored, avoid data pileup, do not fear using humor. Here are few public speaking tips by world-renowned presentation guru Alexei Kapterev. He tells how to structure and decorate the presentation; start and finish your speech brilliantly.
Top-10 Tips on Time-Management Without Stress

The popular time-management technique “Getting Things Done” will help you to organize your working process and teach you to solve problems one at a time. Here are tips on time-management by productivity coach Nikolai Dodonov. He tells how to control your working time, how to work effectively and without stress.
Top-10 Tips for Disruptive Startup

Aim to earn online 'here and now', think about convenience for your clients, automate operations and make your pricing policy intelligible. Here are tips for disruptive startups by serial entrepreneur in the online travel industry Peter Kutis. He tells how to create the startup which is going to disrupt the market.
Top-10 Tips for Chief Financial Officer

Choose your book-runner thoroughly, start the preparation “long before”, look up to the experience of successful IPOs. Here are initial public offering preparation tips provided by a Director of investment banking at Merrill Lynch Arie Kravtchin. He tells how to to set a right IPO amount, control organizational expenses and make market cap reach record high.
Top-10 Tips for Future CEO & Leaders

A leader is not daunted by new ideas; he thinks outside the box and never gives up. Here are leadership tips provided by a former CEO and a Wharton teacher Dr. Paul King. He tells 10 inspiring stories in this presentation.