July 24, 2015 6783

Eduson Corporate eLearning Service

Eduson Corporate eLearning Service

Eduson.tv has launched the corporate eLearning service for the price of a cup of coffee. You and your colleagues can study for free for 14 days.
Take courses, pass tests and get certificates.

How companies use Eduson.tv

  • Executives are improving their knowledge in negotiation, management, leadership and personal efficiency, and are learning business English.
  • Sales managers are shoring up their ability to get past secretary, and learning how to deal with objections.
  • Staff members from distant offices are being training in conjunction with the entire team, and are meeting common professional standards.
  • All company staff are improving their time management skills, and their ability to work with Microsoft Office and other programs.

Fact 1
Quality courses from leading global lecturers and practitioners


Eduson’s courses are taught by lecturers from leading business schools (Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD, LBS), successful entrepreneurs and top-managers (KPMG, Merrill Lynch). All the lecturers’ theories and advice are tested and accompanied by the examples from leading US companies’ practice.

Fact 2
5 course formats


Teaching and training materials from Eduson.tv come in 5 formats:

  • Interactive video courses give a sense of dialogue with lecturers, who explain incorrect answers and discuss interesting cases in more detail.
  • Practical business cases allow the information learned to be immediately applied and tested.
  • Animated presentations are attractive and clearly set out the theory.
  • Mini-courses lasting 10-15 minutes cover the specific issues succinctly and in a structured way.
  • Business English focuses on the business lexicon, and is broken up into topics.

Fact 3
Executive analytics: the Eye of Sauron


Company executives may control the training process at any time. With the help of convenient dashboard and with a couple of clicks you can open up a chart and evaluate the progress of your staff. Who is learning the most actively out of everyone? Who failed their exams?

Fact 4
Learning effectively


All courses contain questions and tests, to help you to concentrate and better assimilate the material. Strange as it may seem, if you take short tests 18 times during a 3 hour long course, you will assimilate the knowledge better than in a one-day face to face training session with a lecturer in a group of 20-25 people. As a result, 94% of staff members who passed at least 1 exam at Eduson.tv have applied the received knowledge in practice.

Fact 5
Taking courses is interesting


Quality and exciting content engages into a learning process, like a good Hollywood movie. The training programme can be adapted to each employee’s interests and aims. Sales and marketing specialists, newcomers and top management will study courses of different complexity and topic. Diplomas and ratings will motivate employees to learn successfully.

Fact 6
Assess employees and assign courses

knowledge map

Evaluate professional level of each employee with special tests. Get the knowledge and competence map on each employee. Find out their strong and weak points and create individual learning paths. A convenient service will automatically advice you which courses to take.

Fact 7
Low prices and fast return on investment


Training of 1 employee will cost you $6 per month. The total costs of training for a company will be significantly reduced. Compare with an offline training day which usually costs $1-2K per employee.

What else?

  • Eduson.tv is mobile, it can be used with smartphones and tablets.
  • Eduson can help your career, because you can download the certificates that you received to LinkedIn with one click.
  • The library of courses is constantly updated; every week 5-7 new courses are released.


Which companies are already using Eduson?

FMCG (Coca-Cola, EFES, Heineken), Building materials (Lafarge), Oil and energy (Schneider Electrics, Lukoil, Novatek), Logistics (Freight, Fesco) and dozens of other leaders in various industries. Since 2015, we have been actively developing courses for small and medium businesses (companies with 10-100 employees) and helping 100,000+ employees all over the world to grow professionally.

Why do I need a special service at all, if the majority of the video lectures are accessible from YouTube for free?

The courses by leading global lecturers cannot be found on YouTube. Most importantly, Eduson.tv does not only give you access to single videos. We are building up a “trajectory” of training for employees (a personal program) and motivating them to continue learning. Executives also get a useful tool to evaluate the progress of their employees with graphs and tables.

None of the online courses are a substitute for real life interaction with a lecturer.

Of course that’s true, which is why off-line courses are ten times more expensive. Online training offers high quality at reasonable prices. In any case, there are not that many opportunities to learn from a teacher at Harvard. Classical offline trainings rarely feature “celebrities”, and they cost $1-2K for one training day.

How can I be certain that staff have actually listened and assimilated the material?

Eduson.tv has the highest engagement rate. Up to 87% of those who start learning receive at least one certificate (compared with the usual number of 3-7%) and 23% receive more than 10 certificates. Employees do not get distracted like in offline classes, and are constantly immersed in the process, by answering questions or taking tests. Managers receive detailed training statistics, with graphs and tables.

Sooner than your competitors

Get a 14 day demo access for your employees and the opportunity to attend 1000+ courses in different subjects today.

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Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
Find out more