September 22, 2015 8337

Assess Your Employees’ Knowledge

Assess Your Employees’ Knowledge

The time when all employees studied the same courses has passed. Now you can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses in the knowledge of each employee and build a truly personalized and efficient learning path.

Eduson has created two excellent tools for managers and T&D specialists who want to assess employees’ professionalism and knowledge int the most efficient way. These tools are the knowledge map and the competences map.

These are sets of subject-specific online tests of varying complexity to help comprehensively assess employees and make management decisions. Which employee requires additional training? Which employee has all the qualities for advancement? Which employee will the team be more effective without?

Knowledge map

knowledge map

Assess your employees’ knowledge in 8 areas:

  • Business English
  • Finance
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Time management
  • Management
  • Business environment
  • Microsoft Office

Depending on your goals or the time you have allotted, you can build a picture of an employee’s knowledge according to the basic test results, or conduct an in-depth testing in any of the 8 disciplines.

test results

Based on the tests’ results, Eduson automatically recommends an appropriate course for an employee. As a manager, you have access to all the results, so you can make a conclusion regarding the knowledge that your staff lacks. Choose from more than 1,000 courses and assign them to each employee directly in LMS Eduson with just a couple of clicks.

Competences map

competences map

A professional must not only possess profound knowledge, but also be able to apply it in practice. Assess the employees’ ability to perform calculations, analyze, think logically, work in teams and perform other important tasks.

After answering the questions, the employee receives his result in points, and a brief recommendation. What kind of skills does he lack? What should he pay attention to?

How assessment is conducted

knowledge map

Knowledge and competence are assessed on a 100-point scale. In the test, simple questions are alternated with complicated ones; each question is assigned a coefficient that affects the total amount of points.

"Copying" from a colleague or a looking up in the reference material will not be easy – the questions follow in a random order and the employee is given an average of 1 minute to solve each task.

What else?

  • After completing the assigned course, the employee can take the test again and compare the results.
  • The number of attempts in each test is recorded in the "history of results," available to the manager.
  • Employees can share their results on social networks, motivating their colleagues to join, and assess their knowledge.

Get your own knowledge and competence maps today. Do the tests for free, share your results and invite your colleagues.

Assess your knowledge

Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
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